Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Decline of Music

This is going to be a bit of a rant, but hear me out.

Not too long ago, an ex of mine told me about a trend in the music scene where metal bands are fusing elements of techno into their music to create a new sound.  This sounded quite ridiculous and I didn't really understand what she meant until my brother showed me this video: 

Needless to say, I was absolutely appalled to witness such a disgraceful act of musical heresy.  I would not have been able to conjure up such horribleness even in my worst nightmares.  Pay particular attention to 2:46 onwards.  Seriously, this is not funny nor is it very amusing.  As a music fan and a supporter of rock bands, I can say that if this is what people are listening to for their musical enjoyment, our generation has lost a certain aesthetic appreciation.

However there are bands like this that give me some hope: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OjTspCqvk8

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Keep Your Sanity in the Dating Game

I assume most of you have figured this out but this was a revelation to me.  Here is how to avoid wasting all sorts of mental energy while dating: DON'T THINK.

I am not joking; don't think about it.  Don't think about why the person was signaling interest the week before but not yesterday.  Don't think about why he/she didn't reply to your e-mail or text message.  Don't think that you screwed up and now someone is upset at you.  It's not a big deal.  There's no way that you can possibly figure out precisely what is going on in a person's life for you to really know anything.  Just move on and do more important things in your life (which you surely must have).  Meet different people.  It is such a simple rule of thumb and it just occurred to me recently.  Then again, this is easier said than done but it is good to have in mind in the back of your head.

Feel free to disagree but I think most people would agree with me about this point.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Human Mating Strategies

One of the most fascinating (and in my opinion, the most complicated) aspects of our species is courtship.  People tend to have different strategies, some being more successful than others.  One thing I noticed about myself is that I get attached easily, more so than others.  My roommate Ryaan is also like this.  I also have other friends who don't get very emotionally attached and prefer to have fun and not be so serious about the whole dating thing.

My questions for you: Do you find yourself getting emotionally invested quickly?  If so, why and if not, why not?  Do you think it has to do with your past experiences or more of an innate, biological mechanism?  Is it more advantageous to see many people and not get so caught up in relationships early on?