We all look down on women who are only attracted to rich men and men who are only attracted to female models for
being shallow. Shouldn't they consider other important factors such as kindness, intelligence, diligence, confidence, patience, and being a good partner?
Well, yes and no. There are people who do not care about forming deep, long-term relationships. If that is the case, then money and looks probably end up with more weight in determining who to hook up with next. That is their choice. Are those who disagree in a better position to determine what makes others happy in life? More importantly, are they in a position to force the others to behave differently? The answer to the first question is "I don't know" and the answer to the second is a definite "No."
But let's say that the gold digging trophy wife and her husband both want a stable marriage so that they can build a family together. For the sake of argument, the wife was most attracted to her husband's wealth and the husband was most attracted to his wife's beautiful face and model-esque body. Who is more shallow?
According to Merriam-Webster, "shallow" is defined as:
1. having little depth
2. having little extension inward or backward
3. a: penetrating only the easily or quickly perceived
b: lacking in depth of knowledge, thought, or feeling
Before you think that the husband doesn't have it all that bad because he can divorce her when she gets old and find a new young woman, think again. First of all, divorce isn't painless, especially if you have children. Second of all, she gets half of your assets and child custody and support. When Johnny Carson's ex-wife divorced him, she received "half his shit" (as Eddie Murphy put it) which must have been close to $150 million. (She probably knew he had around $300 million before she married him too.) So it's not that simple and easy.
The interesting thing is that most wealthy, successful men do not marry gold diggers (e.g. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Koch brothers, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Jerry Yang). Most of them also never get divorced. That doesn't mean their marriages are perfect, but they probably have a different attitude about relationships that might be valuable.
However, I will say that the one way that gold diggers can be at least just as shallow is if she gets fooled into thinking that just because he has a nice car, clothes, and pad that he must be wealthy. He could very well be in severe debt and making poor financial decisions that will ruin him in the future. If she divorces him, she will still be responsible for paying off HIS debt and taking care of the kids.
When it comes to relationships, you need to take responsibility for your actions and their consequences. If you think his lavish expenditures signal that he is rich and successful, then you're taking the risks that may be associated with his behavior. If you think she is the most beautiful woman you've ever met and you'll always be physically attracted to her, then by all means do what you want to do but keep in mind that it may not last and you might find out that it was cosmetic surgery all along when it's too late.
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