Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why Men are Jerks

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

This post is going to be a bit controversial but I think it needs to be said.  I was walking tonight with my friends and one of them asked why men tend to be more insensitive and make hurtful comments to women.  Here is what I think: men will do what it takes to get laid and having a jerk-like personality helps them achieve that goal.

Don't believe me?  Think about nerds and jocks (both male).  Nerds respect women more than jocks do.  Why?  When a girl gives a nerd attention, he will value it more since he is not used to it and wants to get laid.  A jock is not hesitant to blow a girl off since he's got girls lined up for him.  Despite the difference in respect, most girls pick the jock.  The nerd comes off as being too nice, uninteresting, and desperate.  The jock comes off as being dominant, challenging, and sexual.

We are a very intelligent species.

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