Thursday, December 15, 2011

How technology will affect human evolution and improve sexual equality

                I understand that one major assumption I need to make is that our species will continue to exist long enough on evolutionary time scales.  Although I like to consider myself an optimist, I am a realist first and I do have my doubts.  The rate at which technological advances are made is far exceeding evolution’s.  Thus, we are equipped with increasingly more dangerous nuclear weaponry with prehistoric brains.  However, let’s assume that we somehow overcome the numerous adversities that threaten our existence (e.g. global warming, overpopulation, terrorism, financial collapse, nuclear warfare).
               From a scientific perspective, what is life?  Simply put, life is gene survival.  Our bodies are vehicles for gene survival: we live and reproduce.  Technological innovations have given us the tools to extend our lifespans (vaccinations, antibiotics, surgeries) and increase our reproductive possibilities (online dating, in vitro fertilization, cloning).  People who are best able to survive and reproduce will be more likely to make it to the future rounds of natural selection and technology has already been deeply infused to advance human life.
                Technology can also change gene survival in another way.  A good example is birth control.  I have little doubt that this will be a huge factor in shaping the female psyche.  Sex is pleasurable because it is vital for making more genetic copies.  With birth control, we can simply enjoy these pleasures with drastically reduced chances of pregnancy.  Then having children will be more of a conscious choice rather than a consequence of passionate lust.  A major consequence is that women will not be as picky about which men to sleep with.  However, women will still be picky about who their long-term partners will be but roughly as much as men are.
                Another prediction is the decrease in sexual dimorphism in our species.  Sexual dimorphism is simply the physical difference between males and females in a species.  Men are on average taller, heavier, and stronger than women.  As the socioeconomic playing field levels out (as women have greater access to higher education and lucrative jobs), I think this difference (or least the preference in women) will diminish.  Exceptional physical prowess will become less of an asset to men in the mating game as physical strength decreases in survival value.  As women continue to gain more power and status, the social roles of men and women are going to overlap more and more until gender roles become almost meaningless.  This is essentially the case with chimpanzees (our closest genetic cousins with essentially no sexual dimorphism) although they are more matriarchal.
                In conclusion, biological equality between the sexes will help enforce social equality and this can come about as technology alters our bodies and minds.  I must add that this does not imply social equality for all.  Social classes will still exist as well as differences in physique and intelligence.  I don’t think that will ever change due to the nature of evolution.  However, that does not mean that we should not do our best to lessen the inequalities that will persist at any stage of our biological and cultural development.